Thursday, April 29, 2010

Teaching Strategies for my Classroom

There are many different teaching techniques and strategies that can be used in the classroom. I know that in my classroom I want to have a good communication with my students and parents, I want my students to be actively engaged in their work, and I want to practice respect.

Communication is very important in education. As a teacher, I want my parents to be involved in their child's education and always know what is going on in their child's life. I think that communication is a very important aspect when it comes to teaching. I know parents will value this as parents and I want to carry an open relationship with my students as well.

As a teacher I want my students to enjoy coming to class and always wanting to learn more. If students come and read a text book and take notes every day they are less likely to pay attention and really benefit from the lesson. I believe technology is a very important component in the classroom. I hope to incorporate technology into my every day lessons.

Respect is a major tool. Once the students realize that you as a teacher respect them and their values they will respect you and your classroom. Students want to be respected. I know that my day in the classroom will be much more fun and eventful.

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